Today's the day

向软件大牛炫耀我会焊单片机,向硬件大牛炫耀我会写 Rails,向软硬件大牛炫耀我生物,向软硬件生物大牛炫耀我会折腾期货 -_-bbb

给 galeki 留言

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More posts of this q 说:
2015年4月22日 08:48

More posts of this quality. Not the usual c***, please

You get a lot of res 说:
2015年4月22日 08:41

You get a lot of respect from me for writing these helpful articles.

Articles like this r 说:
2015年4月22日 08:03

Articles like this really grease the shafts of knowledge.

I guess finding usef 说:
2015年4月22日 06:06

I guess finding useful, reliable information on the internet isn't hopeless after all.

Your posting lays ba 说:
2015年4月22日 01:59

Your posting lays bare the truth

Yo, good lookin out! 说:
2015年4月22日 01:10

Yo, good lookin out! Gonna make it work now.

It's great to find s 说:
2015年4月22日 00:45

It's great to find someone so on the ball

There's nothing like 说:
2015年4月22日 00:13

There's nothing like the relief of finding what you're looking for.

It's great to find a 说:
2015年4月21日 23:23

It's great to find an expert who can explain things so well

Nothing I could say 说:
2015年4月21日 21:07

Nothing I could say would give you undue credit for this story.

Your post has moved 说:
2015年4月21日 20:04

Your post has moved the debate forward. Thanks for sharing!

There's a terrific a 说:
2015年4月21日 20:02

There's a terrific amount of knowledge in this article!

No question this is 说:
2015年4月21日 19:10

No question this is the place to get this info, thanks y'all.

God, I feel like I s 说:
2015年4月21日 18:01

God, I feel like I should be takin notes! Great work

Everyone would benef 说:
2015年4月21日 17:55

Everyone would benefit from reading this post

It's like you're on 说:
2015年4月21日 17:42

It's like you're on a mission to save me time and money!

viagra price 说:
2015年4月21日 15:25

Thanks for your marvelous posting! I truly enjoyed reading it, you may be a great author.

Information is power 说:
2015年4月21日 14:59

Information is power and now I'm a !@#$ing dictator.

Whoever wrote this, 说:
2015年4月21日 14:20

Whoever wrote this, you know how to make a good article.