Today's the day

向软件大牛炫耀我会焊单片机,向硬件大牛炫耀我会写 Rails,向软硬件大牛炫耀我生物,向软硬件生物大牛炫耀我会折腾期货 -_-bbb

给 galeki 留言

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Calling all cars, ca 说:
2015年3月31日 01:39

Calling all cars, calling all cars, we're ready to make a deal.

This is both street 说:
2015年3月31日 01:08

This is both street smart and intelligent.

I came, I read this 说:
2015年3月31日 00:26

I came, I read this article, I conquered.

This piece was a lif 说:
2015年3月31日 00:21

This piece was a lifejacket that saved me from drowning.

If you're looking to 说:
2015年3月30日 22:33

If you're looking to buy these articles make it way easier.

You have the monopol 说:
2015年3月30日 20:08

You have the monopoly on useful information-aren't monopolies illegal? ;)

Nothing I could say 说:
2015年3月30日 18:12

Nothing I could say would give you undue credit for this story.

God, I feel like I s 说:
2015年3月30日 18:09

God, I feel like I should be takin notes! Great work

This does look promi 说:
2015年3月30日 17:17

This does look promising. I'll keep coming back for more.

Thank God! Someone w 说:
2015年3月30日 15:23

Thank God! Someone with brains speaks!

All of these article 说:
2015年3月30日 15:19

All of these articles have saved me a lot of headaches.

Learning a ton from 说:
2015年3月30日 13:46

Learning a ton from these neat articles.

You write so honestl 说:
2015年3月30日 12:51

You write so honestly about this. Thanks for sharing!

Surprisingly well-wr 说:
2015年3月30日 12:45

Surprisingly well-written and informative for a free online article.

Finding this post ha 说:
2015年3月30日 12:13

Finding this post has solved my problem

Was totally stuck un 说:
2015年3月30日 11:45

Was totally stuck until I read this, now back up and running.

Never would have thu 说:
2015年3月30日 11:01

Never would have thunk I would find this so indispensable.

You can always tell 说:
2015年3月30日 08:10

You can always tell an expert! Thanks for contributing.